Ocean Master

Chapter 299 - Chosen Athena!

Since antiquity, after the rise of Atlantis which later culminated into the overlord Atlantis Empire, Mega Fleets with dozens of Annihilators were widely known as the trump cards of this leading variant human race. 

The Generals and other warlords that were produced by this overlord race were usually the ones who took the helm of these massive war fleets.

Generals who cultivated so hard until they got to the esteemed Gold Realm were the pinnacle warlords that took the helm over Mega Fleets.

This combination of powerful warlords and Mega Fleets was a mighty one, but it was not the main pivotal trump card that the Atlantian Empire had.

The Atlantian Empire could mass-produce warships to arm a Mega Fleet with thousands of them, they could even speed up the production of Annihilators, but wars of this scale could not be won with just quantity.

In a world that was filled with powerful predators, powerful Black tier predators with terrifying abilities that could literally defy science and reality, quantity alone could not make the cut.

If they only had quantity to rely on, there was no way that Atlantis would have become the overlord Empire who dominated current Oceania.

The Atlantis Empire stood clear above the other Empires due to their gods!

After the Great Fall, when variant humans were at their lowest and were facing the risk of extinction, this was when the notion of the gods came about.

Humans had always been religious, even in old earth, but pushed by the circumstances, the now variant humans took their religiousness to the next level since it was their only form of comfort in their new terrifying world of cannibalism.

Times were hard, tension ran high, but it was at this point of despair that a legendary Atlantian stepped up with an inspiring notion.

This was when the legendary Ouroboros of Atlantis rose. The one who later became known as the Great Traveller had an impact on the rise of the Atlantis Empire not any less than its greatest sovereign, King Orchestra!

As a best friend to the legendary King, Ouroboros was in no way inferior as his genius in some inexplicable manner heralded the power of the gods.

These gods were not the conventional gods that the humans were used to before, Ouroboros\' method succeeded in harnessing the power of myth which all of Atlantis soon embraced as their gods.

The notion of the 7 Great gods soon became predominant. 

Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Hestia, Demeter, Athena, and Ares! The Great Traveller succeeded in communicating with these mysterious gods and harnessing their power by becoming their first vessel in Oceania.

Throughout history, the Great Traveller was the only Atlantian to have become a vessel for the mysterious power of all 7 Great gods.

From the next generation, the power of the gods brought a pivotal change in the Atlantis Empire. Chosen seeds started being selected from the very best of Atlantian soldiers who were trained to become vessels for the gods\' powers.

Every generation, the chosen were the most powerful Atlantians, and at their peak could even exceed the power of the ruling Atlantian sovereign.

Mega Fleets were powerful, Generals were powerful warlords, but all these were not the main trump card of the Atlantis Empire that made them rise above everyone else, their main trump card was the power of the gods!

Their main trump card was the 7 chosen!


As soon as the divine aura invaded from the still expanding space rift, every Atlantian soldier adopted a stance of worship with General Saber starting it.

Against the powerful Rabbit Monarch, the Atlantians and other variant humans were left with no choice but to gamble for success by throwing their lives away at the powerful Rabbit.

Finally, an equally powerful opponent arrived!

The chosen at their peak were as strong as the strongest Black tier predators! The best-recorded battle was when the 4th generation Ares, the chosen of war fought to a standstill against one of the Sea Kings!


The space rift expanded again as ripples filled with the divine aura of the gods swept through the whole ocean volcano like the aftereffects of the tyrannical decree of a tyrant emperor.

The space rift expanded enough, then the chosen finally stepped through. 


The interference in the space reached its peak as the water became suffocatingly muddled. Bright golden light flared as the perception of every predator and variant human except the Rabbit Monarch was blocked!

It took a few seconds before the interference finally died down, but the chosen already descended. All eyes pointed to the center of the disturbance.

A head full of fluttering golden hair was what first greeted the eyes.

A golden battle crown adorning her head followed, then an impeccable, well-toned, and powerful body that was covered and well-protected in white and golden combat armor.

Pure white eyes that glowed like a led torch in darkness illuminated her face as they seemed capable of piercing through any lie and distinguishing the truth.

On her powerful and muscly right arm was an intimidating golden battle spear. And on her left was a huge battle shield, a shield that depicted the head of a special creature with snakes as hair.

Around her, the primordial origin magic seemed to have gone berserk as a tyrannical magic presence was exuded by this mysteriously powerful lady.

Normal variant humans had no access to magic domains, but 2 magic domains were apparent in her magic presence. The heavy domain of earth and the aggressive domain of thunder and lightning pressed around her powerful body.

Like a goddess, she presented herself before all the onlookers in the most visually impactive way possible. She stole the show from the onset.

Space seemed to freeze on this sight.

"Chosen Athena!" General Saber exaltedly worshiped!

The chosen that descended as reinforcement was the chosen of the goddess Athena! As the chosen of the goddess of war, handicraft, and wisdom, chosen Athena was among the forefront of chosen\'s with the most battle power.

Paired with the heirloom iconic Aegis shield and the Ouroboros battle magic spear that was crafted by the Great Traveler himself, chosen Athena embodied the full dignity and majesty of a powerhouse.

Sebastian did not understand what happened from the moment that the Rabbit Monarch appeared, everything felt too random but he recognized a powerhouse when he saw one.

After successfully arriving, Chosen Athena ignored every other person and first swept a gaze at the Megalodon which made Sebastian shudder from the depths of his soul like an Ancient Dragon just glared at him.

The Chosen\'s attention didn\'t linger on him for long though to his relief, Chosen Athena knew her opponent and gave him the right acknowledgment.

When she swept her gaze towards the Rabbit Monarch, their eyes clashed as sparks of an incoming battle of the ages seemed to have been ignited.

Fire burned in the eyes of the Rabbit Monarch, this was a powerful opponent and he already recognized it when her divine aura was first released. No predator of his tier did not know of the infamous Chosen\'s of Atlantis.

At this moment, the Rabbit Monarch had no one else in his sight other than the Chosen Athena. To show his acknowledgment of her might, his own battle gear was already dropping from the void like airdrops.

Clang! Clang!

In just a few seconds, the previously casual Rabbit Monarch already took on the personality of an elite soldier going to war as his war-gear already adorned his 30 meters tall body!

The Rabbit Monarch\'s battle gear transformed him so much that he suddenly looked like a samurai Rabbit! 

The major difference was that instead of wielding a samurai sword, the Rabbit Monarch\'s main weapon was the boots that covered his enormously powerful kicking legs like boxing gloves.

The Rabbit Monarch was set for battle!

Compared to him, Chosen Athena looked as tiny as a bug but the powerful magic presence around her warned that she should not be looked down on!

When this Chosen saw the transformations that took on in her opponent, her own battle will flared as she was also set for battle!

The will of these 2 powerful powerhouses already grew to such an extent that every other variant human and predator was suppressed. 

As their conflicting wills ground at each other, they finally moved!

Both started with killer moves immediately.

"Killer Move: The Thunderbolt Spear of the gods!"

"Killer Move: The Million B.C Superkick!"


The battle of the pinnacles began!

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